Tag Archives: shareholders

How to close your business

This is not a topic many would like to think about. No one wants to [Read More]

Can you apply for business rescue after a final liquidation order?

Can you apply for business rescue after a final liquidation order? A recent Supreme Court [Read More]

Who is a director? Directors – The Fundamentals – Part 1

Over the next 3 weeks, we will be doing a blog series about company directors. [Read More]

Looking to purchase property from a company? Find out what important information you should know before you enter into the sale agreement

Are you entering into a sale agreement with a company? It is a longstanding imperative [Read More]

Ill fitting memorandum of incorporation templates – don't let your company be caught with its pants down

in the same way that people come in all shapes and sizes, companies also [Read More]

Memorandum of incorporation "deadline" is looming

In the past, deals and transactions, including mergers, acquisitions and joint ventures were typically negotiated [Read More]